Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack!

How can it have been eight months since I last wrote? So much has happened in our lives. To start, Claire is 16 months old now. That's four months more than a year! She is walking (quickly), talking (sort of) and generally ruling the roost. She still looks just like her daddy, but is starting to act a little more like me. For example, she loves shoes. Loves them. In fact, I have bought her a few (okay, five) new pairs of shoes in the last few weeks. She knows that they're new, so every time someone comes up to speak to her, she leans down and points to her shoes. She also likes to walk around the house with them like most kids do with a teddy bear or a sippy cup. In fact, when her preschool teacher suggested that I send a "lovey" item to school with Claire to comfort her, I thought, "should I just send an extra pair of shoes?" Alas, Belinda the Bunny won out. Shoes on the feet. Bunny under the arm.

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